As you may have already noticed the postings on this blog are not in chronological order. Carrying on this tradition, I've decided to finally do my introductory post.

My name is Gillian although many people call me Gill, Gilly, Gill Gill... and so on and so forth. I'm 19 and I live in the downtown area of the beautiful city of Toronto. I have searched near and far and have come to the conclusion that music, graphic designing, urban fashion and dance interest me heavily. I'm in the process of learning how to DJ and produce beats.
What is the purpose of this blog and why the name 'Chicken and Waffles'?
Well why the hell do people blog initially? To express their point of views and opinions on whatever topic interests them. Considering my friends and I are spontaneous, random individuals, I have decided to name my blog "Chicken & Waffles", a crazy combination of tasty -ISH for the Torontonian soul (although if you're not from Toronto, do your thing pimpin').
Like Drake says "holla if you got me, and fuck ya if you had me". We don't wanna hear that weak shit no more.